INITIAL POST (New Update Below):
My name is Phillip and it is with great sadness that I need to inform you that my sister Judith has been left no choice but to close the doors of Made with Memories Rockingham Store. As many of you may or may not know she was dealt a blow when her ex husband who took out the lease at the shopping centre left her in the cruelest manor. For over 4 years she battled on her own financially and upon completing that lease moved onto the new shop with boundless enthusiasm to provide you a new and improved environment and local craft store.
Sadly the vultures at the centre came after her with astronomical de fit costs and legal fees and Judith was then dealt a savage blow by the legal system being held 100% responsible for all costs. Judith has soldiered on attempting to work 16 hour days 7 days per week, selling off her possessions to make ends meet and quite often going without essential items.
Sadly a few days ago this matter came to a head and the family were given no choice and have decided to take Judith back to Melbourne late last night with us for her health and safety and to help her re build her life as she is simply shattered and heartbroken. Can I please ask that you respect her privacy at this time and she has asked me to pass on her upmost and sincere thanks to the people who became a big part of her life in Perth.
In true Judith style her number 1 concern is her customers so please read this information carefully.
If you have items or kits paid for that had arrived Deb has them and so please contact Deb to arrange collection.
I have the order book here with me and there are only 3 orders paid for that have not arrived and I’m lead to believe that there is an issue as the items are out of stock. A family member will look into getting these for you if this cannot be done a family member will call you in due course to arrange a refund.
If you have classes Old to New or Vintage Romance with Sally your classes will go ahead as normal however the new venue is The Meeting Room at The Dome Cafe in Waikiki Village Shopping Centre.
If you are in any of Judith’s 6 month classes or have booked other classes with Judith she will make up your kits with instructions and get them to you via Deb ASAP however my sister tells me there is an issue with the cardstock needed at the moment.
In regards to retreats Judith or a family member will in touch with you in due course.
Our family understand that you might feel slightly inconvenienced with orders or classes at present but please take a moment to stop and think about the boundless energy, effort, dedication and commitment my sister put into keeping your craft store running. She has literally now lost everything bar a few boxes of possessions and clothes and is home with her family and closest friends who will support her as she re builds her life.
On behalf of the McGarry Family Thank you for those honest and genuine people who looked out for my sister especially over the last few months.

UPDATE: Please note that all floor stock has been sold as a complete package and we have a lot of shop fittings that need to go. A few staff will be in store to help clear these items on Sunday but all information regarding retreats and orders will be outlined below. Please check out our latest facebook post of shop fittings for sale. We have tables, chairs, furniture, desks, book cases and lots more all going out at bargain prices!!!
In store at Unit 1/7 Day Road Rockingham from 10am to 1pm. Cash only and goods must be taken by 1pm Sunday 18th November. No holds. Some goods have been advertised elsewhere and may be sold prior to the day.
Please note that all goods must be paid for in cash and that items can not be held in store and will need to be removed by no later than 1pm Sunday.
RETREAT INFORMATION: The retreat will continue as scheduled but all queries are to now be forwarded to Jodie Digney, Craft On The Run, Email and mobile phone 0419 914 319. Please note that all calls relating to retreat to be made between 5pm and 7pm due to existing work commitments. When all final details have been updated and received by Jodie, then Jodie will contact those ladies.
PAID ORDERS: Deb has the final two orders and will contact the ladies involved.
UNPAID ORDERS: all existing orders have been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience.
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and continue to thank you for your patience and understanding at this extremely difficult time.